Maintaining SEO Traction When Building a New Website: Debunking the Myth

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, concerns about losing SEO traction when building a new website are not uncommon. However, the notion that a new website will automatically result in a drop in search engine rankings is a misconception. Let’s explore how you can ensure a smooth transition to a new website while maintaining your hard-earned SEO rankings.
- Preserve URLs for Continuity:
One of the key factors in retaining SEO rankings during a website overhaul is to preserve the URLs of your existing pages. By ensuring that the new website uses the exact same URLs, you create a seamless redirection from the old pages to the new ones. This continuity signals to search engines that the content remains relevant and authoritative, helping you maintain your ranking positions. - Carry Over SEO Titles:
Another vital step is to copy over the SEO titles from the old website to the new one. SEO titles play a significant role in signaling the relevance of your content to search engines. By retaining the same SEO titles, you reinforce the connection between your content and its previous ranking, reinforcing your SEO standing. - Implement 301 Redirects for Improved URLs:
Sometimes, a website redesign presents an opportunity to fix issues like misspelled URLs or other structural problems. To address such issues without negatively impacting your SEO, implement 301 redirects. A 301 redirect tells search engines that a particular URL has permanently moved to a new location. By setting up proper redirects, you can seamlessly transfer any SEO value from the old URL to the improved one. - Real-Life Example:
For instance, when I redesigned the website for Fiona’s My Sewing Club, she had concerns about losing her SEO rankings. However, by diligently following these practices, she managed to maintain her top position in search results for her business name and other important pages.
In conclusion, building a new website does not have to result in losing your hard-earned SEO traction. By adopting best practices such as preserving URLs, copying SEO titles, and using 301 redirects for improvements, you can seamlessly transition to a new website without negatively impacting your search engine rankings. Embrace the opportunities that a website redesign brings and ensure your online presence remains strong. Remember, with the right approach, you can successfully launch your new website while retaining your SEO success.
This is not true.
Example – When I did a website for Fiona at My Sewing Club she was also concerned about this she was ranked number one for her business name and about 8 other pages.
After building a new website she remained in this position and this is how this is achieved.
There are a number of ways and the first one is to build the pages with the exact same URL.
So basically the URL diverts to the newly built website.
The other way is to copy the SEO title into the new website.
And thirdly should a URL need improving, for example, some I have come across have spelling mistakes in them, I simply use a 301 redirect which means I take the misspelled URL and use a plugin to redirect the old URL to a new one.
I have a number of clients that have never lost their SEO traction.